Better Packages

Blog Feature

Tape Dispensers | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
July 14th, 2016

With a wide selection of manual and electric water-activated tape (WAT) dispensers available, it's beneficial to learn more about each one to understand which dispenser will best fit your company’s carton sealing needs. Water-activated tape, also known as reinforced tape, gummed tape or Kraft paper tape, provides a permanent carton seal. Using the right tape dispenser will help to further maximize your company’s carton sealing productivity. Read more to learn the highlights of the Better Pack 333 Series, the #1 selling manual water-activated tape dispenser.

Blog Feature

Tape Dispensers | Safety | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
June 9th, 2016

It's a common goal in both business and personal matters to want to save money and find the most efficient and cost-effective solution for specific needs. Certainly this is the case as you look into the best carton sealing methods for your business. Investigating the factors that influence the cost of carton sealing materials and equipment will help you choose not only the most effective but also the one that best suits your specific packaging needs.


Guide For Tape Dispensing Performance Solutions

If you are shipping cartons directly to your customers, you know the importance of choosing proper packaging to ensure the safety of your products throughout the fulfillment process.

Blog Feature

Safety | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
June 7th, 2016

Companies that regularly deal with packaging and shipping understand that having quality carton sealing methods is important for workforce efficiency. However, not all businesses are utilizing the effective methods available. With the right quality packaging tape, your company can save money and enhance workplace productivity. This article discusses the disadvantages of not purchasing quality carton sealing tape.

Blog Feature

Tape Dispensers | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
June 3rd, 2016

To save money and increase packer productivity, you’ll want to consider water-activated tape (WAT) and an easy-to-use WAT dispenser. Whether you send out several packages on a regular basis or need a cost-effective solution for a high volume packaging environment, there’s a dispenser to fit your needs. But how do you know which style dispenser will work best for your business? Read on to learn more about water-activated tape dispensers to help you better decide which options are best suited for your specific packaging needs.

Blog Feature

Packing & Shipping Tips | Safety

By: Better Packages
May 24th, 2016

Companies dealing with package security issues should understand what their carton security options and solutions are. Valuable items stolen out of cartons or entire packages lost in transit are serious problems. When a package or a purchased item does not make it to a consumer, it’s an issue for the company that shipped the package, as well as the customer. However, there are carton security precautions that can be taken, by both the shipper and receiver, to avoid these issues in shipment.

Blog Feature

Tape Dispensers | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
April 20th, 2016

If your business includes shipping cartons to customers, it's important for you to use a carton sealing method that is cost-efficient and improves workforce productivity. This article discusses how your company can reduce packaging costs and increase productivity with the right carton sealing solutions.

Blog Feature

Safety | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
April 20th, 2016

E-commerce shopping is facilitating purchases from people all over the world. What was once a local transaction now includes the transportation system shipping products around the globe. Often, shipped products travel through several environments, are transferred among multiple trucks and handled by many people. As a result of all these hand-offs, product safety becomes a significant issue. If you use water-activated tape (also known as gummed tape and paper packaging tape) to seal your cartons, the effects of transportation stress can be mitigated and the safety of your valuable items assured. This article describes the attributes of water-activated tape that can help keep your carton, and therefore your products safe.

Blog Feature

Tape Dispensers | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
April 12th, 2016

If your packaging company is shipping out several customer packages on a regular basis, you need an effective carton sealing strategy. But how much do you really know about carton sealing? This article discusses 3 things you should know about carton sealing.

Blog Feature

Safety | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
March 28th, 2016

Are you tired of your old carton sealing tape and shipping methods? Maybe you think the process takes too long or that your packages never seem to be completely sealed? Perhaps it's time to switch to a more effective carton sealing solution or better yet, a more effective packaging tape. This article discusses 3 reasons to switch to water-activated paper tape.

Blog Feature

Packing & Shipping Tips | Safety | Water Activated Tape

By: Better Packages
March 17th, 2016

The products you are shipping to customers are critically important, so you need shipment strategies designed to keep those items safe. All packaging companies want to have the highest product security with quality carton sealing solutions that are also cost-effective. This article discusses tips to enhance product security for your packaging company.